+ Integrative medicine
acupuncture | laser therapy | Herbs & Supplements | Nutrition
Acupuncture is an ancient art proven effective by modern science. It is most commonly used to treat painful and chronic inflammatory conditions such as arthritis and neuromuscular disorders. Acupuncture is effective in managing the side effects associated with chemo therapy and the symptoms of kidney, adrenal, and respiratory disease. It is also useful for treating chronic gastrointestinal disease and also as an adjunct treatment for neurological disorders such as vestibular disease and epilepsy. Any chronic condition that conventional medicine does not have a cure, usually can be improved by Acupuncture, with or without Chinese Herbs.
Acupuncture also induces an endorphin release which leads to relaxation and a general “feel good” effect. It is great to see your pet actually enjoying coming to the vet for treatment! Acupuncture is usually scheduled as four weekly treatments. A typical treatment lasts for 20-30 minutes. Pets usually feel improvement by the second or third session. Once the improvement plateaus, maintenance treatments for chronic diseases such as arthritis may continue on a monthly or even seasonal basis.
Before treatment is instituted, Dr.Behrens will need to get an in depth history and exam on your pet. Previous records including current x rays and bloodwork will be reviewed as well. You should plan on your first appointment to last an hour.