Covid Curbside


Illinois is in phase 4 of reopening, but our positivity rate is increasing again. We are getting a lot of questions about when we will fully open again; unfortunately, we do not know yet! However, our full team is all together and we are all working very hard to stay safe while maintaining the high standard of care you expect. This has proven very challenging due to the extra time now required on the phone! Please understand!

Here are some FAQs

Are you allowing clients in the building?

At this time we are continuing curbside service. Our team is small and our exam rooms are small. Veterinary visits require close proximity and social distancing is not possible during exams. If we allowed clients in the building, it would lessen the numbers of appointments we have available because of space restrictions and the increased sanitizing procedures that are required. As it is we are booking appointments a few weeks out and we want to make sure we are able to see our patients quickly and efficiently. If your pet unfortunately requires euthanasia, we may go outdoors or we are allowing one client into the hospital at a time to say their goodbyes. Masks are required for everybody in the building.

Are you doing surgery?

Yes! Our full team is back together. We have been scheduling routine procedures such as spays and neuters and routine dentistry for the last several weeks. There has been a bit of a backlog, but we are catching up.

It's hot out and I don't have AC in my car.

We are trying our best to make curbside better during the heat. We are also allowing stay exams (drop off appointments). Let us know your needs and we can do our best to help. Our parking area is cooler in the morning. Late afternoon tends to get hot. Keep that in mind when scheduling.

Can I run errands during my appointment?

Yes, if it has been previously arranged. Please do not leave during your pet's appointment unless you have discussed this with the technician or team member. It's very tough on the staff to take a pet outside expecting to find you, only to find you have left. Keeping your pet in the room ties up a technician and an exam room. If you cannot stay in the parking area during your pet's exam, please make arrangements with us when you make the appointment.

Stay in your car if possible.

Our techs are trying to find you based on vehicle description. If it is not too hot in your car, please remain in your vehicle. Know it is hard to hear with wind noises when on your cellphone outside. Please all the office from your car when you arrive. Let us know the cell number you want us to call or text you in case we have questions or to tell you when your pet is ready to go. Also cell service isn’t always the greatest in our area, so please text us if you haven’t received a call within an appropriate time. Our staff is almost constantly fielding phone calls and running pets in and out. Even if one member sees you, we still need you to call in so we can start the check in process. We know communicating by cell phone can be very frustrating, especially if the cell service is poor! Please bear with us!

Why do you have to use your slip leash and not mine?

We have had several owners concerned about the nylon safety leads we use to get pets into the hospital. We have had owner leashes and harnesses slip off of pets and it would be devastating to have a pet get loose in the parking lot and get injured. We realize they are a slip lead and they aren't used for anything other than safe transport into the hospital. They are nylon and therefore also able to be sanitized between patients. It takes a ton of work to sanitize rooms and equipment between patients so we minimize the amount of outside things coming in.

I don't have a carrier.

Your cat must arrive in a carrier. It is absolutely not safe to have a cat loose in your arms and have a technician try to get them into the hospital. All cats must arrive in a pet carrier or we will not admit them for their appointment. Please let us know if you do not have one when you call to make your appointment, and we can provide a cardboard or let you borrow a sanitized plastic carrier.

Can't you do the exam in the car?

It is not possible to maintain safe distancing or do a proper examination in a vehicle. For the safety of your pet and to do the best medicine possible, we do need to examine your pet in the hospital. There may be rare exceptions to this. Please discuss this with our staff, but be aware that in most cases vehicle exams are not possible.

I don't have a cell phone.

This does create challenges, but let us know when you make the appointment. We will have you call from your home phone before you leave so we can get your history and be prepared for your appointment. We will find a way to help you.

If you have any other concerns, please don't hesitate to ask.